Red Light Therapy Sauna

Red Light Therapy Sauna

Visit Our Calendar To Schedule Your Red Light Therapy or Cold Plunge Session

Live Your Best Life With Our Wellness Package.

For the ultimate experience, each of our members will have the option to add our wellness package onto their pickleball membership.  Please see below details of our state of the art Red Light Therapy Smart Sauna and Cold Plunge.

Reverse Aging & Renew Skin

Our red light/near infrared LEDs has been shown to increase collagen
and elastin, improving overall skin appearance. Increased circulation also contributes to faster cell regeneration, which helps with appearance of scars

Sweat Out The Toxins

Our saunas, with the deepest infrared penetration, can help increase blood flow and perspiration. Sweating is one of the body’s safest and most natural ways to heal and maintain good health by helping to eliminate toxic heavy metals, drug residues, and hormone disruptors.

Improve Heart Health

Infrared therapy can help your heart work better by exercising the heart, reducing blood pressure, and improving circulation.

Repairs Muscles Faster

Many professional athletes use our saunas to recover from their training and injuries. The mid infrared spectrum can best penetrate joints and improve flexibility. Far infrared therapy is known to help with muscle soreness, whereas near infrared helps with tissue regeneration.

Increase Metabolism & Burn Fat

Our specific red light/near infrared wavelength stimulates sluggish metabolism and improved fat burning for energy. Increasing core body heat can increase calorie burn, similar to exercise. Infrared saunas also help with the elimination of toxins that cause fat storage.

Boost The Immune System

Heating the body from inside can improve the function of the immune system just like fever can. Therefore, regular sauna use can help reduce the incidences of cold and flu, and even help you recover faster.

Cold Plunge

Boosted Mood

Immersing yourself in cold water can enhance post-exercise recovery, elevate your mood, and alleviate pain. Explore various forms of cold water therapy and discover the advantages of ice baths.

Enhanced Immunity

There is some indication that engaging in cold water therapy may activate your body’s immune system, potentially enhancing your ability to combat illness.

In a study conducted in the Netherlands, researchers investigated whether individuals could voluntarily impact their immune response through practices such as meditation, deep breathing, and cold water immersion. The outcomes were encouraging.

When the study participants faced a bacterial infection, the group employing these techniques displayed fewer symptoms. Their bodies produced an increased amount of anti-inflammatory substances and a decreased number of pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to the infection.


Dipping into cold water triggers a sequence where your blood vessels initially narrow and then expand as they warm up, promoting enhanced circulation throughout your entire body.

Promotes Detoxification

The technique of alternating between hot and cold plunges has a unique ability to stimulate lymphatic circulation. This, in turn, facilitates the elimination of bodily waste and induces a detoxifying effect through a “flushing” process.

Muscle Recovery

A comprehensive review of 99 studies conducted in 2018 indicated that immersing oneself in cold water after intense physical activity could potentially diminish delayed onset muscle soreness, self-reported sensations of fatigue, and inflammation. Notably, the review found that the beneficial impact on inflammation was observed only when immersion took place in water below 59°F


Consistently exposing yourself to cold temperatures can contribute to the development of resilience, enabling you to better manage stressful situations. Previous research indicates that cold-water immersion resulted in a remarkable 530 percent increase in noradrenaline concentrations. This release of hormones is integral to the body’s natural stress response, resembling an alarm phase triggered by stressors such as cold water exposure.

Better Sleep

As you immerse yourself in the Plunge, your body activates the autonomic nervous system, a complex network of vessels and nerves. This system, divided into two parts, plays a crucial role in regulating your stress response. By gaining control over your reaction to stress, you may discover a newfound ability to influence your relaxation and sleep patterns.

Metabolism & Blood Sugar

Exposing your body to cold temperatures can stimulate an increase in calorie burning, as it expends additional energy to maintain its core temperature. This natural response to cold exposure not only supports calorie expenditure but also engages your metabolism, potentially contributing to overall energy balance and, consequently, weight management.