Indoor Pickleball Club – Katy, TX

Indoor Pickleball Club – Katy, TX

Fundamentals Clinic

Welcome to the Fundamentals Clinic, where your journey into developing your pickleball game continues! This clinic is designed to build a solid foundation of skills and knowledge, catering to both beginners and those looking to refine their basics.

What to Expect:

  1. Equipment Essentials: Learn about paddle selection, grip techniques, and the importance of choosing the right gear for your game.
  2. Fundamental Strokes: Master the core strokes of pickleball, including the forehand drive, backhand drive, and volley. Practice drills will emphasize technique and consistency.
  3. Strategy and Positioning: Understand the tactical aspects of pickleball, covering court positioning, shot selection, and effective communication in doubles play.
  4. Scoring and Rules: Gain a comprehensive understanding of pickleball scoring, including how to earn points and when to rotate sides.
  5. Gameplay Simulations: Apply your newfound skills in simulated game situations, guided by experienced instructors who provide personalized feedback.

What to Bring:

  • Comfortable athletic attire and non-marking sneakers
  • Water bottle

Who Can Attend:

You must have taken the Intro To Pickleball Class to Attend This Clinic. it’s open to all skill levels, from beginners to intermediate players seeking to refine their techniques. Our instructors tailor the content to meet the needs of each participant, ensuring a supportive and engaging learning environment.

Next Steps:

By the end of this clinic, you’ll have the foundational skills and knowledge necessary to enjoy pickleball with confidence. Whether you’re aiming to play recreationally or competitively, this clinic sets the stage for your continued growth in the sport.

Join us for an immersive and enjoyable experience as we explore the fundamentals of pickleball together. Let’s hit the court and elevate your game!

Dusty Stephenson
Dusty StephensonITPTA Professional
Level II IPTPA Professional / Master Certified USPTA

All Players Must Use The Court Reserve App To Sign Up For Membership and Make Reservations.